The Kennel Club Breed Health Coordinator has announced that research into Idiopathic Epilepsy is ongoing.
“If your smooth haired Vizsla has Epilepsy and you are interested in being part of this exciting research to try and find the Gene/Genes responsible and hopefully then to eventually develop a DNA test – please contact me at so we can collate the info on those who are interested in helping the breed by taking part. Not everyone may be suitable, but only the research scientists can make that judgement.
Thank you in advance of your help.”

Dr Verity Griffiths BSc(Hons) MA VetMB GP(SAS) GPCert(EM & S) MRCS

KC Breed Health Co-Ordinator
Smooth Haired Vizslas

Idiopathic epilepsy (IE) is a common cause of seizures in dogs and the term is reserved for patients with chronic, recurring seizures, which have no detectable underlying abnormality and are often presumed to be genetic in origin. Other forms of epilepsy exist. Symptomatic epilepsy where seizures result from an intracranial structural lesion (e.g. inflammation, infection, brain tumour or congenital intracranial malformations such as hydrocephalus) and Cryptogenic epilepsy where seizures are thought to be symptomatic but there is no etiology (cause or origin) has been found.

Being relatively common in dogs it is obviously of great concern to breeders and owners of all affected breeds. Age of onset, type of seizure and pattern can vary between breeds. At the Kennel Club Canine Genetics Centre there is a collaborative study between veterinary neurologists and the Canine Genetics team to investigate the genetics of IE. The study is looking into a number affected breeds, one of which is the Hungarian Vizsla. More information on the work being done can be found here:

They are calling out for participation in their research which hopefully can help future generations and would particularly like to hear from owners and breeders who have a Vizsla that has either 

a) been diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy OR  

b) is unaffected by epilepsy AND is over 8 years old 

If you wish to have further information, please contact: