In the first instance may I (Richard ‘Chilly’ Chellumbrun – Vizellven) take this opportunity to thank all four breed clubs for their support over the last few months in my proposed new Assessment and Selection Process for Team GB at the Vizsla European Field Trial Championships. I am absolutely delighted, if not surprised at the amount of support that the Vizsla and Wirehaired Vizsla community have shown by turning up at each Assessment to put their dogs forward for consideration. We have seen around 40 dogs – fantastic!
It would be amiss of me not to thank each and every Assessor that offered their time, knowledge and experience to the process, Peter Szalai, Roy Bebbington, Rob Gould, Howard Kirby, Jim Bird and Andrew Farley whilst not forgetting those unsung heroes and heroines in each club who galvanized, got behind the process and made it happen whilst liaising with generous landowners, whom without it would be difficult to achieve what has been done.
I would also like to thank the final Team Selectors on the Final Selection Day on Sunday 28th April; Rob Gould, Bambos Charalambous and Meryl Asbury who were best placed to make such decisions due to their extensive knowledge of trialling and Judging on the continent under the FCI Rules and Regulations. There were potentially 6 places available for the Derby (young dogs) and 10 places available for the EC however in the opinion of the Selectors they were not able to fulfil this quota with suitable dogs. I am however delighted they could jointly conclude and select two teams to represent Team GB, as follows:
• Zoldmali Pipazs of Zoltarous [Imp SRB] (HWV); Zoë Dicker
• Szajani Vidor (HV); Alex Newman
• [Reserve] Zoltarous Wasabi for Dhalascar (HWV); Kerry Swann
• Zöldmáli Hope of Zoltarous [Imp SRB] (HWV); Zoe Dicker
• Lindenwood Hocus Pocus (HV); Natasha Steeden
• Zöldmáli Irka Firka at Canalgame [Imp SRB] (HWV); Francis Briley
• Goldstar Miss Teeq from Szajani [Imp USA] (HV); Sue Harris (R Major)
• Ürgemezei-Villám Adu at Ligetszepe [Imp HUN] (HV); Andras Nagy
• [Reserve] Zöldmáli Jodli at Canalgame [Imp SRB] (HWV); Francis Briley
• [Reserve] Zoltarous Lupin (HWV); Zoë Dicker
The Vizsla European Field Trial Championships aka the Magyar Vizsla Europa Cup is a competition that is very dear to my heart, having been a part of it for nearly every year since 2003. In my opinion this is such a special event and the pinnacle for our working continental breeds. With that in mind, there is nothing I would love more than those that are selected for Team GB to be successful this year in Belgium and I will do everything I can to help them on their adventure and journey.

I would also encourage anybody who is considering the thought of going to spectate to take that leap and do it. Whilst the exact location has yet to be finalised, the area to which it is being held is around a 2.5 hour drive from Calais, the closest it has been for a number of years.
Good luck to each and every one of the Team members….. I am rooting for you all!
Thank you once again to all those have contributed to the success of this process.
Richard ‘Chilly’ Chellumbrun